ch55 Who runs the Local Church?

Who runs the Local Church? is a tract by David Cox on how the local church should be governed, a pastor leading, elders advising, deacons serving.

By David Cox

[ch55] v2 © 2021
You may freely reproduce this tract for free distribution

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fam10 The covetous that hordes

The Covetous that Hordes; Idolizing Possessions and Riches
by David Cox
[fam10] v1 ©2006
This tract can be freely photocopied and reproduced

Definition of Avarice

This is somebody who desires or presumes is his right to have abundance and live in luxury and pleasure, especially speaking of material things. Contrary to the principles of proportion and the Christian living aware of others (Eph 4:28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.), he lets other suffer while he lives enjoying his goods and riches, enjoying the pleasures of life.

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jw06 Is Jesus Christ a creature or the Creator?

Is Jesus Christ the Creator or a Creature?
By David Cox
JW06 v1 ©2011
This tract can be freely reproduced for non-profit purposes

Within certain groups, there has been a resurrection of old heresies, and one of these old heresies is the belief that Jesus is a creature, an angel created by God as the Captain of the heavenly forces. They propose that Jesus was the first created thing (firstborn), and they believe that he created the rest of creation. Paul attacked this false belief in Colossae, and wrote Colossians to refute it.

Note: the abbreviation “NWT” is the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ version of the Bible, New World Translation.

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pc08 Self-Esteem


Esteeming One’s Self

By David Cox

[PC08] v1r ©2008
You may freely reproduce and distribute this tract

Phil 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Modern psychology treats the “psyche” of man, which they define as existing but without observations nor definitions from actual science. But in that, psychology has been recognized as a science even though its conclusions, bases, and methods cannot be confirmed nor denied through science (in other words it is ALL unproven theories).

Perhaps one of the principle points in psychology is the exaltation of the human image itself (his psyche or person), or self-esteem. Modern psychology’s principal trust is to simply emphasize the need for self exaltation.

Whatever thing seems to lower one’s view of one’s self is a “sin” in psychology. Their remedy to all problems is to understand that “you are not so bad”, and “the guilt lies with others”, i.e. raise self-esteem. Continue reading