Salvation and Basic Discipleship Tracts
Salvation and Basic Discipleship Tracts
By David Cox
These are my tracts on the Salvation and Basic Discipleship Tracts. We examine issues of salvation here, as well as new believers’ issues, discipleship issues, etc.
- salv01 Plan of God for the salvation of your soul
- salv02 Now that you have Believed
- salv04 Major points in water baptism
- salv05 Why read the Bible? spiritual reasons
- salv08 Your Testimony: Impacting Others
- salv10 Having a Personal Devotional Time
- salv11 Valuing your Salvation
- salv13 How to tell if you are dead! (spiritual life)
- salv21 There is no Salvation without Love
- salv31 Easy-Believism
- salv51 Good Works do not Save us
- Salv56 Resist the Devil and he will flee from you
- salv58 Are there few who are saved?
- salv76 The Suffering Christian should Seek Help from his Savior.
Tracts Waiting to be Translated into English
Salv03 – Bible Reading
Salv05 – Why Read the Bible?
Salv06 – The Plan of God for your Salvation
Salv07 – Welcome to the Family of God (Boanerge)
Salv09 – The Security of your Salvation
Salv10 – How to have personal Devotions
Salv12 – Epidemic! (Boanerge)
Salv13 – How to know if you are Dead?
Salv14 – Evaluating the Spiritual Food that you consume
Salv15 – Naked in Heaven or Dressed like a Bride?
Salv16 – Remaining in Christ
Salv17 – The Spiritual Battle
Salv18 – The Walking Dead
Salv19 – The Urgency of Salvation
Salv20 – Repentance: The Leaving off of Sin
Salv22 – Blood and Pardon: Understanding Propitiation
Salv23 – The Lamb of God
Salv24 – If I die for you, what have you done for me?
Salv25 – The Agony of Christ
Salv26 – Palm Sunday: Receiving the King
Salv27 – False Theories of the Resurrection
Salv28 – What does Christ’s Resurrection mean?
Salv29 – What is Eternal Life?
Salv30 – Be like a Child to Enter Heaven
Salv32 – Tempted, Don’t give in
Salv33 – Factors in Spiritual Growth
Salv34 – Is there only one Gospel? (way to Heaven)
Salv35 – What is Salvation?
Salv36 – Contending for the Faith once delivered to the Saints
Give a Cup of Water in my Name Matthew 10:42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.
Christians who give even a small cup of water will not lose their reward for doing this. God will not overlook their effort to help others in the work of the Lord. To help others is rewarded by God, especially when you are helping the weak, the small young ones (think new believers), the helpless like widows in the Bible, those who cannot provide for themselves. So, my websites are for these kinds of people. I am providing material that is good sound doctrinal material, fundamentalist, conservative, biblical material.
But what I am doing is in the name of the Lord. I am not trying to get rich, but I am just trying to pay my bills from this ministry. My wife and I have personally supported our internet sites with my sermons, tracts, books, etc. and other good solid works for some 20 years now, paying for everything from our living expenses. We have had donations from some few people, about 3 or 4 a year, mostly under $30. That doesn't even begin to address the hundreds of dollars we pay hosting companies to maintain this ministry. While our downloads from these sites reach 40 gigabytes per month, donations don't seem to be in people's minds.
So even a small $5 donation to help us out will allow you to participate with me in this ministry, and you will receive rewards in eternity also. May God bless you richly in heaven for your generosity in promoting God's work. If you cannot donate anything, that is alright, just say a prayer for this ministry and email me saying that you prayed for us so that we can give thanks for you before the throne of grace. Thank you.
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