salv10 Having a Personal Devotional Time

Personal Devotions

How to have a Personal Devotion Time with God

Suggestions and Observations

By David Cox

[Salv10] v1 ©2009
You may reproduce this for free distribution

In this tract, we examine some helpful elements in how to have personal devotions. TOPICS: What is personal devotional time? | What are the elements of a devotional time? | Why should we have personal devotional time? | Helps to structure it | Why should we have personal devotions?

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jw06 Is Jesus Christ a creature or the Creator?

Is Jesus Christ the Creator or a Creature?
By David Cox
JW06 v1 ©2011
This tract can be freely reproduced for non-profit purposes

Within certain groups, there has been a resurrection of old heresies, and one of these old heresies is the belief that Jesus is a creature, an angel created by God as the Captain of the heavenly forces. They propose that Jesus was the first created thing (firstborn), and they believe that he created the rest of creation. Paul attacked this false belief in Colossae, and wrote Colossians to refute it.

Note: the abbreviation “NWT” is the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ version of the Bible, New World Translation.

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fam16 Christmas: Is it for Christians?

Christmas: Is it for Christians?

By David Cox
[fam16] v1 ©2008

Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen…

Coming to the end of the year, many people begin to think about Christmas. There are many traditions around Christmas, and it is important that we analyze all these traditions and customs in the light of the Bible so we do blindly follow ignorant people into pagan traditions.

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pc23 Forgiving as we are forgiven

Forgiving as we are Forgiven

By David Cox

[PC23] v2 ©2013
You can freely distribute this tract if for free.

Matt 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

God wants us to live in such a way that we do not hold grudges, we do not seek aggression nor vengance, and we don’t constantly seek conflict and friction with others. Forgiveness is key in our spiritual life. So then, God conditions us for divine forgiveness for our sins, by allowing offenses to happen in our life, and he sees how we react. Without forgiveness as a foundation in our lives forming part of our moral character, we cannot receive divine forgiveness for our own sins. Embracing Christ is embracing forgiveness as a concept in our lives. As we have learned forgiveness and exercise it in our own relationships, thus God forgives us, that is God’s promise (or threat). Scary thought! Forgiveness is not something we just want for OUR sins, but it is something that we believe in like Jesus’ death and resurrection. It is a practiced way of life for us. God sees that in how you forgive those that have aggression against you. Let it go! Forgive!

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doct04 Hell and Heaven, Hades, & Paradise

Hell and Heaven with studies on Hades, Paradise, Heaven and the Pit
[d04] v1 ©2005
You may freely reproduce this tract for non-profit use.

The themes of punishment and judgment are mentioned some 234 times in 264 chapters of the NT. It is interesting that we know more about hell through the teaching of Jesus Christ than any other person or source. It occupied a very important place in the mind of Christ, and he warned those who would listen so that they would avoid that place and the punishment that is there.

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pent02 Spiritual Baptism: baptism in the Holy Spirit

Spiritual Baptism: The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
By David Cox
[pent02] v1 ©2005
This tract can be freely photocopied and reprinted


When? What is it? Who does it? Requirements? The Earnest, It is not speaking in Tongues.

The Spirit in the Old Testament

In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit came upon and left individuals. Samson (Judges 14:6, 19; 15:14), Saul (1 Sam 10:6, 10), Ezekiel (Eze. 11:5) all had the Holy Spirit come upon them to fill them for a service to God. Few believers had the Holy Spirit “in” them (Eze. 2:2; 3:24) even though King David had the Spirit always in him (1 Sam 16:13). Even so David felt that God had cut fellowship with him when David walked in sin. Psalm 51.11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

Also, the Spirit of God is that which fights against sin within man. Isaiah 63:10 But they rebelled, and vexed (angered) his Holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them. Genesis 6:3 And the Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh… (Acts 7:51). Continue reading

pc21 God hears only the Contrite

God hears only the Contrite
By David Cox

[PC21] v3 2018
This brochure can be freely photocopied and printed

In God hears the contrite, we examine the problem of why God does not hear some prayers, but actually, He does hear, but he doesn’t act on those prayers. This is because of the attitude and life of the person praying, he is arrogant and not contrite and humble. TOPICS: My will or God’s will? | God does not tolerate Arrogant People | How to get my request? | Mercy is Essential | The Spiritual war over kneeling

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pent04 Modern tongues speaking

Modern Tongues Speaking
Why we do not practice or endorse modern Speaking in Tongues
[pent04] v1 ©2005
This tract may be downloaded (above) and freely printed.


1 Corinthians 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Their Accusation against Us

If we are people who truly follow the Bible to the setter of the law, then some accuse us by saying, “Why don’t you speak in tongues like they did in the Bible?” We will reaffirm first off that we do follow literally the Bible, except when there is obviously a reason to not follow it like in the case of King David’s adultery. That was not given for us to follow as an example. We also understand that some activities are limited and temporal, such as the sacrifice of animals on the altar in the temple. Hebrews explains that this has ceased for New Testament believers.

The principal problem with modern tongues speaking is (1) they do not define biblically what is tongues speaking, (2) they do not practice what they claim is tongues according to the rules set out by God.

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pc16 Why Christians shouldn’t use drugs?

In pc16 Why Christians shouldn’t use drugs? we examine what is a biblical position about hallucinogenic drug use. The Bible condemns this kind of drug use as being a doorway to the demonic world. It is regularly used in witchcraft and wicked, pagan religions to “communicate with the spirits”, and we offer help in the form of Bible verses to break the addiction to drugs.

Why Christians shouldn’t use drugs?
By David Cox
[PC16] v1 ©2008
This tract can be freely reproduced for non-profit use.

See Drugs and Theology

All things are lawful unto me,
but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.
1Cor 6:12

It is very sad to see that the use of hallucinogenic drugs is already very common, even among some Christians. Let me clarify and limit this tract to illegal drugs, those not with a doctor’s prescription for a disease. When a doctor prescribes aspirin for a headache, this drug is legitimate and restores health. This tract deals with illegal drug use for recreational and entertainment purposes.

Two out of every 3 young people in high school have tried an illegal drug before they graduate. If we consider alcohol as a drug (and it is), then this rate rises to 90%. 30% have tried a drug stronger than marihuana. The first cause of death among youth 15 to 24 is drunk driving. Continue reading