Catholicism and Ecumenism supporting error
By David Cox
Summary: Catholicism and Ecumenism examines how the Catholic Church is using Ecumenism to deceive other religions to unite with them in some way. TOPICS: What is Ecumenism? | A Change of Tactics | There is only one doctrine given to us from God and the Apostles | The Ecumenical Tactic | Our Biblical Attitude towards Falsehood
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Ezequiel 13:10 Yes, because they deceived my people, saying: Peace, there being no peace ; …
Jeremiah 6:14 And they heal the wound of my people with lightness, saying: Peace, peace; And there is no peace.
There are many groups that call for peace between different religions in the world. They want to see a union between religions, and they want Christianity to recognize and work with other religious groups opposed to true Christianity. Ecumenism is attentive towards forming this union for religious peace, and simply ecumenism is to take steps to unite our beliefs with other groups to make an amalgamation between all groups.
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