Church IssueS Tracts
Church Issue Tracts
By David Cox
These are my tracts on various topics dealing with the Church. They deal with various church issues, and are directed more at believers than unbelievers.
- ch42 Destitution of Pastor
- ch43 Time to leave your church?
- ch44 Why we don’t charge for Ministering
- ch45 Grading a Bible Teacher
- ch47 The Christian and His Money
- ch49 The Biblical Pastor: The Biblical Duty
- ch50 The Church is Built upon the Foundation of Evangelism
- ch51 Cowboys versus Shepherds
- ch55 Who runs the Local Church?
- ch64 The Church is not a Circus
- ch87 The Remnant of the People of God
- ch94 How to Destroy a Church
More to come…
Tracts to be Translated yet…
Ch01 Meditations for Communion #1: Love
Ch02 Meditations for Communion #2.
Ch03 Meditations for Communion #3
Ch04 The Lord’s Supper
Ch10 Gifts and the Church
Ch12 Worship: The Principle Obligation for the Son of God
Ch29 The Marks of a Christian according to 1st John
Ch33 How to Conduct yourself in the House of God
Ch34 Brethren should not fight
Ch35 Bad Pastor? Or Disobedient Sheep?
Ch36 Biblical Deacons: The Service Culture
Ch37 The Requirements for Deacons
Ch40 Christians without Love: Difficult Brethren
Ch46 Why do We Witness?
Ch48 The Hymns, Psalms, and Songs
Ch52 Pushing the Work of God
Ch53 The Membership of the Church
Ch54 Teamwork
Ch55 Who Gives the Orders in a Local Church?
Ch56 Gifts in 1Corintians 12 and 14
Ch57 Tithing: Scraps or Sacrifice?
Ch58 Why giving should be Anonymous?
Ch59 The Curse of God on the Stingy
Ch60 The Profile of a Man of God
Ch61 The Useless Servant
Ch62 Not Congregating as the Custom of Some is
Ch63 Spiritual Maturity
Ch64 The Church is not a Circus
Ch66 Honoring God by Giving
Ch67 The environment of Serving One another
Ch68 Being Leaders of the Church
Ch69 Why I attend Church
Ch70 Avoiding Dictatorial Pastors
Ch71 Loyalty and Faithfulness
Ch72 Church Growth
Ch73 What does Water Baptism signify?
Ch74 Regenerational Baptism
Ch75 What and How a Church should be
These issues are things that would be of interest and importance to people who are good Christians, living and working in a local church. The local church is a very important bonding point with the body of Christ. We relate to Christ through his body. Unfortunately, many Christians despise the church, and very rarely attend, much less integrate themselves into the local church. They do not realize how this attitude and conduct destroys their spiritual life and shackles them to not being able to get the spiritual edification that they need in order to become a mature Christian.
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