ec03 The Six Days of Creation examines the creation days, 24 hour periods, and other related points.
. Contents
The Six Days of Creation
By David Cox
[ec03] v1.2 ©2008
You may freely reproduce this tract for non-profit purposes
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. Colossians 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
Many Christians fight over the six days of creation, trying to defend the concept that the six-day account was billions of years. The only reason for this is that they want to give room to the evolution that requires millions of years to “work”.
As people who believe in what God’s Word says, we must reject the need for millions of years in each day, and we reject anything contrary to what the Scriptures say.
We see in Genesis 1 and 2 where God clearly says that creation happened in 7 literal days. (On the seventh day, God rested from his work, but in doing so, he created the concept of a day of rest.) So, the days of creation, as the Bible presents it to us, are literal 24-hour days.
Genesis 1; 1 day = 24 hours.
If we read Genesis 1, we understand that clearly the days of the first week are 24-hour periods. The Bible sometimes uses the word “day” (yom) in a sense other than dawn until dusk, or also for a season, such as “the day of the Lord” (Acts 2:20; 1 Corinthians 5:5; 2 Corinthians 1:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Thessalonians 2:2; 2 Peter 3:10; Revelation 1:10 and compare 2 Peter 3:8). The rule of thumb is that if it is an era or epoch, Scripture will never use a specific number to identify it, and it does not use it in the plural (Exodus 20:11).
So, you will never find “the 7 days of the Lord.” If for a moment we take the 7 days of creation as epochs, what is the concept of each epoch? That is, when “day” is used as “epoch,” it has a word that explains the concept, “the day of THE LORD.” It is the time when God is going to take revenge against those who attacked his children. But then what is the concept of epoch 1, epoch 2, etc.? (“Epoch” is defined as a period of history, a unit of geological time that is a division or period.) So, this is not how the Bible or secular literature uses the word “day.” It does not follow linguistic rules.
Furthermore, the presentation of Genesis 1 is not how scientists want to admit the formation of the universe. Rejecting God’s authority over them, they refuse to concede that God is the Creator. God speaks of waters (Genesis 1:2) before there was a sun. Likewise, God speaks of the creation of the earth before the creation of the rest of the universe. Clearly, this is not the picture that evolutionists present to us, so it is a crime to try to adopt or accommodate our beliefs for evolutionists.
The Bible says clearly and without equivocation, “And there was evening and morning one day” (Genesis 1:5). When the Bible uses the metaphor of a “day” as an age or epoch, the Bible will never divide it into morning and evening. Due to the presence of these two concepts (morning and night), we must demand that the day here be literally 24 hours long. So, the Bible presents that God did what he did in periods of 24 hours. Also, the image that God rested on the seventh day loses its meaning if we say that the other days were millions of years, and then God rested millions of years? Should man rest for millions of years? It doesn’t make any sense really.
In Genesis 1:5, God defined what a “day” is, it is 24 hours. If on this occasion, the meaning of “day” is a million years, how is it that God defines something, and we immediately define the thing as something different? God fixed “a day” to be a solar phase where there is light followed by night. This is everyone’s meaning today of the word “day,” and it is what God instituted in Genesis 1:5.
In Genesis 1:14, God used the word “day” in relation to the heavenly bodies that separate “day” from “night.” This is absolutely a 24-hour day, and nothing else. If we take “day” in this chapter as a period of millions of years, how do we take the concept of “night”? If it’s not 24 hours, we get mixed up in understanding it, when in truth, the most natural, simple, and common-sense things make completely good sense.
The days are marked by a single time of light followed by a single time of darkness. What is a total phase (1 light, 1 night) is a day. The sun is given the job of “ruling” (or dominating) over the day in Genesis 1:16. (The moon rules over the night. God defines “a day” as this light and dark cycle.) Here, is the word “day” a time of 24 hours? Yes, and we are in Genesis 1.
Exodus 20:9-11 comments on creation and further clarifies the matter. “Six days you will work, and you will do all your work; but the seventh day is a rest to the Lord your God; do not do any work in it… For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.” What it says here is that the days of creation are the basis for our beginning, and our origin, and since God worked six “days” (24 hours each) and rested on the seventh day (24 hours) from all his work, that’s how we do the same. The passage does not make any sense if the “days” in Genesis are not 24 hours periods.
Why it is no more than 168 hours
According to the Genesis account, we see that man fell approximately 168 hours after God began creation. Why do we insist on this? There was no death and sin until Adam disobeyed God (Romans 5:12, 19 “as by one man sin entered… and death.” Sin entered the world through one man, Adam. Romans 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses). If we accept millions of years of animals and half humans-half monkeys being born and dying to accommodate evolution, then we must contend with the contradiction that this presents against what God says, that there was no death on earth (plants and animals in this too), until Adam sinned. There is no place for the death of a single ape-men or animal before the fall of Adam.
As we see, death did not enter the scene until there was sin. Acts 3:21 speaks of “a restoration to things” as they were in the beginning (without death and without sin). It is not possible for us to concede that millions of years of death and birth happened before the fall of Adam and Eve to accommodate evolution.
At what age did Adam die?
Genesis 5:5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
If we concede even for a moment to evolutionists that the age of the universe is 4.5 billion years, and that man has lived very little of this time, then we must reconcile Genesis 1, 2, and 5 with this. Adam and Eve were created on day six of creation. They lived for part of day six and all of day seven. If we allow that each of these “days” was say 640 million years (4.7 billion times 7), then we have a problem with what else the Bible says. But the Bible says in Genesis 5:5 that Adam (created on day six) was only 930 years old when he died. As much as one wants to accommodate evolution with the Bible, it cannot be done. We must believe the Word of God, not evolutionists, because the two do not agree at all. The evolutionists ignore logic and reason, and the facts.
The Bible does not give us all the details, but according to the very detailed genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11, the history of humanity is approximately 6,000 years.
Jesus created everything in Seven Days
Marcos 10:6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. Jesus said that Adam and Eve were created “at the beginning of creation” and not millions of years after the process began. This testimony is not valid for evolutionists because they deny the existence of God, of course, and therefore they do not accept God, nor a real Jesus, man, and God in one. The Bible creation account is also rejected.
How the Evolutionist sees God
If there is an evolutionist who believes that God exists, what concept will he have of God? God, for him, would be someone who cannot directly create a plant, an animal, or a human being. In other words, an impotent God. The process that the evolutionist proposes is simply trial and error, not intelligent design. After millions of years of testing, most of which were failures, an amoeba was made. Who is responsible for its existence? God? Well, the trick of evolution is to remove God completely from the picture. So, the amoeba “created itself,” and has no Creator to which it must submit. But we see God commenting on this process in Genesis 1 and 2, calling his creation “good”? The two points of view don’t co-exist well. The evolutionist has a concept of an impotent God. He thinks there must be millions or billions of years for modern man “to come on the scene.”
Psalms 33:6 By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.
The Bible presents creation by the word of God, He spoke, and by the power of God, it existed. In truth, scientific evolutionists do not even accept the existence of God as a rule, and people who seek to reconcile creation with evolution (because it is not with science, science supports creation) are afraid of scientists when these are but fools (Psalms 14:1) because they deny that there is a God.
1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
The Gap Theory
In 1800, scientists began to formally reject God and everything about religion. They promoted evolution, which is not a scientific theory that is based on scientific observations nor scientific principles. If different animals evolved first, and finally man, then these intermediate forms, half one thing and half another, or links, should be as abundant as any one species. There are neither millions nor even thousands of evolutionary links between animal species. They are still trying to establish “one” single link between man and ape without doubtful problems, but they cannot find one example. This is not science, but fraud and religion (belief without evidence of observations). The science of genetics demonstrates the impossibility of transmutations from one species to another. A horse mates with a donkey (still within its genus), but its offspring is sterile, and a new species never begins, a sterile ass is not a example of a missing link.
Millions of Years and still Nothing
The theory of evolution says that if we increase time enough, it is possible that evolution does eventually happen. A mathematician named Bayes put forth the theory (which is now accepted in “secular” science as the rule in everything EXCEPT IN EVOLUTION) that when you observe that something does not happen, it is not valid to say that it will exist if we increase the attempts to millions or billions of times. He said, increase the time/attempts, and you have to lower the probability. If a young man stands 2 kilometers from a basketball basket hoop, and throws the ball, he will not reach it, neither in 10 attempts, nor in 100. But the evolutionist says that it is possible if we increase the number of attempts to a million or a billion, he will eventually make a basket.
They also do this with evolution. The evolutionary transformation from one species to another simply does not exist, has never been observed, has no evidence of having existed, and is therefore a theory without scientific evidence to support its probability. Increasing the years does not give more probability but less. Fossils from so many billions of years of every type of link between one genus to another must be even more abundant if we are constantly climbing the evolutionary ladder, but we never find a fossil “missing” link.
ec03 The Six Days of Creation
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