cat01 Is the Pope the Vicar of Christ?

Pope Vicar of Christ

Is the Pope the Vicar of Christ?
Is the authority of the popes biblical? NO!
[C01] v1 ©2005

This tract can be freely copied and reproduced but not sold.

In Mat 16:18 Jesus promised to build his Church. Today many churches pretend to be the only true church of Jesus Christ. This tract will examine the claims of the Roman Catholic Church concerning the authority and succession of the apostles in the popes.

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Cat15 The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy

The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy

By David Cox

[cat15] v1 ©2018
This tract can be freely reprinted and post if no charge is made

This tract, CAT15 The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy, deals with the fatal errors in Roman Catholic practice and doctrine requiring their priests and ministers to be celibate. THEMES: Husband of One Wife | @No to Celibacy | Do not be a Fornicator | Pedophilia is an Abomination | Homosexuality is an Abomination | A Family Man | The Problem behind Immorality — Cat15 The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy

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cat02 Should we worship the Virgin Mary? No.

Worship Mary

Mary the Mother of Jesus
Should we worship or reverence her?
[C02] v1 ©2005
You may freely photocopy and reproduce this tract for free distribution
By David Cox [email protected]

“A graven image… is not profitable… is profitable for nothing? Isaiah 44:9,10

Many times Catholics ask, “Why don’t Protestants worship Mary?” They tell us, “You have no respect for the mother of God.” Our answer is very simple, “we respect all women, especially godly Christian women, but we do not worship anybody that is not God himself”. We reserve this reverence and honor only for God.

This tract will investigate the matter of the relation and attitude of a true Christian towards Mary, the mother of Jesus’ humanity.

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cat05 Why we don’t use images in worship

Why we don’t use Images in Worship
by David Cox
[C05] ©2008
This tract can be freely used for non-profit use.

John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

There are many religions today that use images in their services, ceremonies, and activities. Christians sometimes of good churches and doctrine have started using the fade of “Christian” key chains, Bible covers with images, and many other things with religious images. There are two groups of thinking on this then. First there are people and groups who say the images are useful in some way or another in their relationship with God. The other group who think lightly of the issue, and they just are not going to worry about this because they don’t see images as idolatry where they bow the knee before it.

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cat17 Catholicism and Ecumenism supporting Error

Catholicism and Ecumenism supporting error

By David Cox

Summary: Catholicism and Ecumenism examines how the Catholic Church is using Ecumenism to deceive other religions to unite with them in some way. TOPICS: What is Ecumenism? | A Change of Tactics | There is only one doctrine given to us from God and the Apostles | The Ecumenical Tactic | Our Biblical Attitude towards Falsehood

[cat17] v1 © 2019
This tract can be photocopied and printed freely

Ezequiel 13:10 Yes, because they deceived my people, saying: Peace, there being no peace ; …

Jeremiah 6:14 And they heal the wound of my people with lightness, saying: Peace, peace; And there is no peace.

There are many groups that call for peace between different religions in the world. They want to see a union between religions, and they want Christianity to recognize and work with other religious groups opposed to true Christianity. Ecumenism is attentive towards forming this union for religious peace, and simply ecumenism is to take steps to unite our beliefs with other groups to make an amalgamation between all groups.

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cat03 Spiritualism

Spiritualism: God does not speak through spirits or through dead people.
By David Cox
[C03] v1 ©2005
You may freely copy and reproduce this tract

2Th 2:9-12 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

There are various religions, religious groups, and philosophies that seek doctrine, guidance, information or help from ghosts, spirits, celestial beings, or dead people. This spiritual help that they offer us is a trick of the Devil and his demons so that we do not seek the direction of God. Continue reading