. Contents
Don’t Touch the Anointed of God
Is it biblical to oppose a minister? Does Anointed of God mean untouchable, and the minister can do whatever he wants? Anointed of God
By David Cox
[ch26] v1r ©2007 www www.coxtracts.com
You may freely reproduce this tract for nonprofit use
Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. Psa 105:15
Today it is very popular that ministers use this saying “don’t touch the Anointed of God” to protect themselves. They also often use Mat 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. This implies that any member or other person should not examine that minister’s personal life, his doctrine, or obvious sins.
John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
The Christian should not have an attitude of always condemning others, but he should examine everything to see what is God’s will, so as to follow it, and if it is not God’s will, then to reject it for his personal life and not accept it in his church.
The concept of “anointed” is somebody that is special in the sight of God. The idea of not reproaching the Anointed of God is as a prohibition used when governments and others oppose the men God has given a special ministry and work (in essence opposing the work of God), and invokes the anger of God. This would include all believers as well as any ministers.
Opposing the false prophet and error
Act 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
God has recommended to us the Bereans, because they did not unilaterally accept what came their way, but they examined everything in the light of Scriptures. This character of comparing everything against the Scriptures caused God to give them a great blessing, and causes us to sit up and take notice of their “nobility”. The Bible recommends that every minister and work of God have a character of seeking to base all doctrine and practice on the Scriptures. We judge right and wrong this way. If you attend a church where nobody can ask a question, ask an explanation, or express doubt of anything a leader says or does, it is probably a cult or at least very wicked ministers over that group, and you should leave it immediately.
Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
How can we guard ourselves from a false teacher if we cannot examine what he does and teaches? If he is a man of God, he will defend himself with biblical exposition. If he is a false prophet, then he will not want nor allow anyone to question his doctrine, teachings, nor actions. Gal 5:1 warns us that these wicked workers seek to enslave us under their authority and entangle us in their doctrinal systems and rules.
We should resist these, and defend the concept of Christian liberty, which consists in (1) one has the right and ought to study the Word of God for himself, (2) one should understand it and make application in his own life without having to ask permission of “spiritual gurus”. (3) There is the possibility of differences among the people of God without it necessarily being sin in one or the other parts. We should respect other opinions and positions where there is no clear commandment from God on a matter.
I am a pastor, and I appreciate very much those members that come to me with a question when they have doubt or see things from another perspective. At times they are wrong, and by coming to me with the issue (in a good spirit) I can clarify the Scriptures to them. But at other times, I am wrong and need to think through the matter again (or sometimes for the first time).
In the end, it is not healthy that they do not understand the spiritual basis for what is going on. They should understand and be in agreement with the actions and positions of the church because they should clearly be the Word of God. If so, show me where.
Confronting sin in the Ministry of God
Even though the minister of God has protection from God, it is not to say that it is incorrect to confront and correct him when the minister walks in error.
1Sa 15:20-23 And Saul said unto Samuel, Yea, I have obeyed the voice of the LORD, and have gone the way which the LORD sent me, and have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and have utterly destroyed the Amalekites. But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the chief of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, to sacrifice unto the LORD thy God in Gilgal. And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
God used Samuel in order to rebuke and call to Saul’s attention his disobedience to God. Saul boasted that he HAD complied with the will of God, but this is not what God had commanded him to do, and Samuel clearly declared that to him. To oppose a minister of God without a biblical basis is clearly not good, but if the minister is disobedient to a clear command of God, then obedient Christians have no other choice.
In the end, God has not given unilateral powers to His servants, where they can do any foolishness they desire. God does not place rulers over his church where they can do anything in their will, but rather spiritually mature “brothers” who can exhort one another when necessary. An older brother can rebuke, but cannot invent new rules. Only the parents can.
Nathan corrected King David on the matter of Bathsheba (2Sam 12). Paul corrected Peter in Gal 2:11-14, because “Peter was to be condemned”. The basis of rebuke is always the Scriptures, and who has best reason according to the Scriptures is who we are to follow and listen to.
Leaders MUST be Exemplary
Hebrews 13:7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation (conduct and life).
God demands a lot from us in our spiritual life. Some complain that all this is impossible. But it is not impossible, and God wants our church leaders to be visible examples of what is spiritually possible. Because of this, God has commanded us to follow the example of our pastors, examining his life and beliefs, and meditating over the fruit of his life, if it is what checks with the Bible’s presentation of a man of God, like the life of Jesus Christ. If it is, then we should follow him and his example, and if not, no.
The false ministers always are going to be hypocrites, demanding one norm for their members but setting and using another norm that is easier for themselves. For example, they will want their members to heavily sacrifice economically, but they themselves will live in luxury and excesses. This is a mark of a false prophet when they are not exemplary themselves. The Bible proposes the requirement on the man of God that he must not be a person given to “unjust gain” 1Tim 3:3, 8; Tit 1:5; 1Pet 5:2. Pastors who always concentrate on harvesting money from the people of God are totally disqualified from the ministry. The people of God should pay their ministers a worthy salary (Mat 10:10 “the workman is worthy of his meat”; 1Cor 9:4-14; Gal 6:6; 1Tim 5:17-18).
Tit 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
God proposes that the local church should be a place of strong rebuking of sin. We should not seek or accept church atmospheres where sin is not confronted and denounced. We should attack sin straight on, and it is a bad signal and serious problem when leaders do not receive nor defend their doctrine and conduct with Scriptures. They should be exemplary, “blameless” (Titus 1:6), i.e. nobody can get a legitimate hold on them.
1Ti 5:17-20 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
We should honor those faithful ministers that show us the way, and appreciate those who personally pay the price. We should reject and flee from those who are not good examples. The defense, “do not criticize me because I am the Anointed of God is not the mark of a man of God but rather a false prophet, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. God will defend him the true man of God, and revenge Himself against all who touch his servants.
See How to Transmit “Morality”
More Tracts from the Church Category
- Ch09 Our One another Relationship
- Ch11 True Praise
- ch13 Why we are Independent
- ch14 Finding a good church
- ch15 Congregating because we Love
- ch16 Example of the man of God
- ch17 Why do I Attend Church?
- ch18 Supporting your Pastor
- ch19 Marks of a False Prophet
- ch20 Baptists: Why we call ourselves Baptists v.1.2
- ch20 Why we call ourselves “Baptists”
- ch21 Will a man rob God? tithes
- ch22 Pastorless Flocks
- ch23 Paying the Pastor
- ch24 The power of an example
- ch26 Don’t touch the anointed of God
- ch27 Tithe Is it biblical to tithe? v2
- ch28 Difference between sheep and goats?
- ch29 The Marks of a Christian (Study of 1 John)
- ch30 The man of God must not be contentious
- ch31 3Bs of success: buildings, bodies, and bucks
- ch32 How to pray for missionaries
- ch34 Brethren, we must not fight!
- ch38 Recognizing a good pastor
- ch39 What should we preach?
- ch39 What should we preach? sermon topics
- ch43 Time to leave your church?
- ch44 Why we don’t charge for Ministering
- ch45 Grading a Bible Teacher
- ch47 The Christian and His Money
- ch49 The Biblical Pastor: The Biblical Duty
- ch50 The Church is Built upon the Foundation of Evangelism
- ch51 Cowboys versus Shepherds
- ch55 Who runs the Local Church?
- ch64 The Church is not a Circus
- ch87 The Remnant of the People of God
- ch94 How to Destroy a Church
Author Pastor David Cox
Give a Cup of Water in my Name Matthew 10:42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.
Christians who give even a small cup of water will not lose their reward for doing this. God will not overlook their effort to help others in the work of the Lord. To help others is rewarded by God, especially when you are helping the weak, the small young ones (think new believers), the helpless like widows in the Bible, those who cannot provide for themselves. So, my websites are for these kinds of people. I am providing material that is good sound doctrinal material, fundamentalist, conservative, biblical material.
But what I am doing is in the name of the Lord. I am not trying to get rich, but I am just trying to pay my bills from this ministry. My wife and I have personally supported our internet sites with my sermons, tracts, books, etc. and other good solid works for some 20 years now, paying for everything from our living expenses. We have had donations from some few people, about 3 or 4 a year, mostly under $30. That doesn't even begin to address the hundreds of dollars we pay hosting companies to maintain this ministry. While our downloads from these sites reach 40 gigabytes per month, donations don't seem to be in people's minds.
So even a small $5 donation to help us out will allow you to participate with me in this ministry, and you will receive rewards in eternity also. May God bless you richly in heaven for your generosity in promoting God's work. If you cannot donate anything, that is alright, just say a prayer for this ministry and email me saying that you prayed for us so that we can give thanks for you before the throne of grace. Thank you.
Donate any amount: paypal.com/paypalme/davidcoxmex.