pent04 Modern tongues speaking

Modern Tongues Speaking
Why we do not practice or endorse modern Speaking in Tongues
[pent04] v1 ©2005
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1 Corinthians 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Their Accusation against Us

If we are people who truly follow the Bible to the setter of the law, then some accuse us by saying, “Why don’t you speak in tongues like they did in the Bible?” We will reaffirm first off that we do follow literally the Bible, except when there is obviously a reason to not follow it like in the case of King David’s adultery. That was not given for us to follow as an example. We also understand that some activities are limited and temporal, such as the sacrifice of animals on the altar in the temple. Hebrews explains that this has ceased for New Testament believers.

The principal problem with modern tongues speaking is (1) they do not define biblically what is tongues speaking, (2) they do not practice what they claim is tongues according to the rules set out by God.

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pent08 Benny Hinn: false prophet

pent08 Benny Hinn: false prophet of the Word of Faith Movement, examines the doctrine and practices against the Bible.

Benny Hinn: The False Prophet of the Word of Faith Movement

By David Cox
[Pent08] v1 ©2006
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Not given to filthy lucre… teaching things which they ought not, for filthy’s lucre’s sake. Even a prophet of their own said the Cretians are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies” Titus 1:7-12

Is Benny Hinn a great man of God filled with faith, gifted with the powers of healing and doing miracles or is he a false prophet? Well the truth is that he is no man of God, because every true man of God obeys the will of God, and follows the Word of God. Hinn was pastor of the church, “Orlando Christian Center” in Orlando, Florida, and later pastored “World Outreach Church” and after that “Faith World Church” when he launched himself into evangelism. Actually, he is the source and spokesman for the Word of Faith movement. Hinn takes in 100 million dollars a year, and lives in a $3.5 million dollar mansion, and stays in $2000/night hotels. He wrote “Good morning Holy Spirit,” which was very popular and sold 250,000 copies in the first two months.

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pent01 Why I am not Pentecostal

why I am not pentecostal

pent01 Why I am not Pentecostal explains the doctrinal and practice errors of the Pentecostal movement. Note that not all Pentecostal groups nor Pentecostal churches are involved in these errors, just the majority.

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pent03 Kundalini and Tongues

Kundalini and Tongues
The Power of the Serpent
By David Cox [email protected]
[pent03] v1 ©2006
This tract can be freely photocopied for non-commercial

The modern speaking in tongues (ecstatic speech, losing control) is not a biblical practice, but is part of a religion of demons. This phenomenon appears in various religions, and one of them is in Hinduism (Yoga). According to them, this phenomenon is the bursting forth of the power of the serpent that comes up through a person’s spine. They define this as “going through a door”, but alter seeking it, it takes control of your own body. Continue reading

pent09 Why we don’t use cell groups

Why we don’t use Cell Groups
The Church Growth Methodology of Cell Groups

By David Cox
[Pent09] v1 ©2005
You may free reproduce this tract for non-profit purposes


• It isn’t the biblical model nor example.
• It is for personal glorying and Blasting.
• It doesn’t permit the proper Leadership formation.
• Promotes women in Leadership over men.
• It removes the local pastor as example.
• It steals sheep from other churches.

There is nothing wrong with having Bible studies in homes, but as long as those teaching are fully qualified. Bigness for bigness sake is wrong. When this growth means teachers and leaders are installed without concern about their testimony nor their doctrine, this becomes a sinful situation.

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pent05 Is it correct for women preach, teach, or lead?

Women in the Ministry
Is it correct when women preach? (Teach, speak, or lead)

By David Cox
[pent05] v1 ©2005
This tract may be freely photocopied and given away

Acts 2:17 I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flash, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy… 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in tose days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.

(Many use this verse as the basis for women preaching, but the verse says nothing about to whom they will minister, to mixed groups or groups of only women.)

The Assemblies of God have 4,000 ordained and licensed women. The United Methodist Church began ordaining women in 1954, and today has 4,743. The Presbyterian Church (USA) has 2,419 leaders. In 1979 this church made it a requirement of their congregations to ordain women to these leadership positions over the church. Moreover they force the disqualification of any minister among them that opposes the ordination of women. The United Church of Christ has 1803 female leaders. Women today compose a third of seminaries students across the board, and in Harvard and Yale seminaries they are half of the students.

( This data is for groups in the United Status. In all the United Status, women compose about 8% of all in the ministry.) Continue reading