pc01 Should a Christian celebrate Halloween?

In pc01 Should a Christian celebrate Halloween? We expose Halloween (and Day of the Dead) as Catholic conventions intended to bring people into the Catholic traditions, customs, and finally beliefs. There is no reason why any Christian should celebrate this pagan holiday based on witchcraft, demonism, and other satanic roots which Catholicism has incorporated into its structure.

Should a Christian celebrate Halloween  (Day of the Dead)?

by David Cox
[PC01] v1 ©2005 www.coxtracts.com
This tract can be freely photocopied and reproduced

“Halloween was originally a festival of fire, dead, and the powers of darkness” – Encyclopedia of Man, Myth, and Magic” by Richard Cavendish

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6

If Halloween is concentrated in concepts dealing with darkness, and we promote it to our children, participating in something that is highly connected with the forces of evil, don’t we fall under the condemnation of Matthew 18:6, causing them to trip up in their spiritual life by our foolishness? Halloween is no innocent entertainment, but has customs and roots in Satanism and pagan religions.

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salv13 How to tell if you are dead! (spiritual life)

Spiritual Life versus spiritual death

salv13 How to tell if you are dead! (spiritual life) explores the contrast between spiritual life and spiritual death in the Bible.

How to know  if you are Dead? (spiritual life)

By David Cox v1 © 2011 2014
[Salv13] www.coxtracts.com
This tract can be freely copied and distributed.

What a strange topic! Why or in what case would this question be valid? Very simply, this is a question that every person should reflect on, and see if truthfully you are to be considered spiritually alive or not. There are many walking around in the world thinking that they are saved and that they are Christians when actually, according to the Bible, they are totally dead in the spirit, unsaved. While so many presume to be spiritually alive, it is very important to understand that according to the Bible, they are dead. Continue reading

evc07 God made the World and the Whole Universe

evc07 God made the World and the Whole Universe is a study of God our Maker, and how He made things, not by evolution.

evc07 God made the World and the Whole Universe is a study of God our Maker, and how He made things, not by evolution.

God made the world and the whole universe

By David Cox

[evc07] v1 © 2018 www.coxtracts.com
You can freely photocopy and print this brochure

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. God created the world and the universe, including all the things in them, including spiritual things like angels, demons, etc. Why is it so difficult to accept that God is the Creator? We should not overlook what this statement means, its implications.

If God created something, then He is the Owner and the “God” over it, that is, He can decide the disposition of it. God as Creator has the right and authority to command this thing and control it, demand obedience and worship from it. If we talk about a stone, no problem. If we talk about my personal life, many do not want to accept this statement.

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Eva18 The Importance of the Gospel

The Importance of the Gospel

By David Cox

[eva18] v1 ©2019 www.coxtracts.com/eva18
You can freely copy and print this tract.

In this tract, the importance of the gospel, we examine the reasons why we should focus on the gospel. THEMES: What is the gospel? | Preaching the Gospel | Jesus is the Gospel | The Gospel is for the nations | Preaching the Gospel was the mission of Jesus | The Gospel is our imperative | God waits in the gospel preached

Gal 1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:7Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

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fam48 Men are God’s Agents

fam48  Men are God’s Agents to accomplish His Will, looks at man as God wants him to be. Manhood and the husband-wife relationship.

fam48  Men are God’s Agents to accomplish His Will, looks at man as God wants him to be. Manhood and the husband-wife relationship.

By David Cox

[fam48] v1 ©2023 www.coxtracts.com
You may freely reproduce this tract for non-profit purposes

1 Kings 2:2… be thou strong therefore, and shew thyself a man;

God has tasks for everybody. This is called a “calling” by God’s will for each person. There are classes of people with special tasks, that there are group that have these tasks anchored in who they are, what is their calling. But what tasks does God have for men as a group?

God has chosen men to complete and do His will and his mission to proclaim His salvation to the world. Women have a different set of tasks involving their being mothers and wives.

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salv76 The Suffering Christian should Seek Help from his Savior.

The Suffering Christian should Seek Help from his Savior, explains how we should react to problems and sufferings, we should seek the Savior.

The Suffering Christian should Seek Help from his Savior, explains how we should react to problems and sufferings, we should seek the Savior.

By David Cox

[salv76] v1 ©2023 www.coxtracts.com
This tract may be freely reproduced for non-profit purposes.

There was a news article that a submarine was sent to view the remains of the Titanic and did not return to the surface. They said, “All hope is lost.”  We sometimes have the same attitude.

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cult11 The Truth About Messianic Christians

In this tract, we explain the group calling themselves Messianic Christians. They teach that we should focus on the Old Testament laws, essentially making them modern-day Judaizers. Topics:
What the Messianic Christians are about | To be a son of Abraham now is to be part of the church. | Do we have to obey the OT law? | The Jerusalem Council | Do you really want to identify with the Jews that crucify our Lord | Should we evangelize the Jews?

cult11 The Truth About Messianic Christians

By Pastor David Cox

[cult11] v1 © 2014 www.coxtracts.com
this tract can be photocopied and printed freely

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doct25 Jesus is our Moral Pattern

doct25 Jesus is our Moral Pattern explains how "receiving Jesus" also means being like Jesus in our moral character. We "follow God" as His children.

doct25 Jesus is our Moral Pattern explains how “receiving Jesus” also means being like Jesus in our moral character. We “follow God” as His children.

Jesus is our Moral Pattern

[doct25] v1.1 ©2014
You may freely reproduce for no charge.

Eph 5:1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;

The Bible is very clear, that the character of God is very different from what we commonly see in humanity (He is holy, He is separate), and it seeks to convert our character from sin (things outside His will) to a character which is like God. Salvation is a matter contending with our sin (which is a form of living which displeases God), and this salvation is a process whereby God totally changes those sinful elements, and imposes a different moral character.

The Bible speaks much of this “other moral character” (it is righteousness) that opposes this sinful conduct. Many groups see this as “perfection” or “holiness”. But it is only a part of salvation, which should occur after we have understood salvation, and after we have grown a little towards maturity.

We should Imitate Jesus

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