Sexual Purity – Joseph and His Difficult Life
By David Cox © 2010
In this Sunday School Class, Joseph and Sexual Purity, we study the life of Joseph, looking at his purity of spirit in the face of sexual temptation. His attitude is especially important, as he did not get discouraged, nor did he seek vengeance against the evil that his brothers did to him.
Bible Reading: Genesis 37:3-11
Why was Joseph a slave in Egypt? Was not it because his brothers sold him as a common slave when he was his father’s favorite son? If you or I had been in his place, we would have had much to complain about and murmur against the things that God was doing in his life. Joseph, being faithful to God and seeking to serve God, for him, everything went wrong. It seems that his life almost came to an end several times throughout the history of Joseph.
Heb 10:30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.
But we see something in Joseph’s character that made him God’s favorite also in addition to his father’s favorite. This element is that Joseph accepted everything good and bad that happened in his life, everything that God gave him in his hand as if it were good and just for him. He did not complain, his attitude did not become bitter, and he did not take a murmuring attitude and accuse God and others for everything bad in his life.
Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. There is a very important principle in the life of Joseph. This principle is that a good Christian
Accept the good AND bad things that God commands or allow as if all were a great blessing, even though they don’t appear as such at the moment.
Bible Reading: Genesis 39:1-20
First, it was wrong for his brothers to sell him into slavery. But from this bad event in his life, God got him to Egypt. Then another bad event happened when the wife of Potiphar wanted to sexually abuse him. But Joseph remained pure, and from there, Joseph ended up in prison meeting other servants of the Pharaoh. Then when Joseph helped the baker and the chief cup bearer (chief of the cupbearers is someone who tests the drinks served to Pharaoh to see if he has poison or not), Joseph helped them, but then forgot about him. It was not fair that they forgot about Joseph. The strength of Joseph’s character was not to be bitter about all the “bad” things that were happening to him. In addition, Joseph demonstrated a strong resistance to sexual temptation.
James 1:12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
If we truly love God with all our heart, we will seek to resist the temptations of life, and we will live as children of God by obeying His will. Our salvation is such that we meet with God in his will. This is what saves us, and this is what marks us as children of God, from our heart we want to do what pleases Him. This is if we are really saved and are going to heaven.
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